Thursday, August 1, 2013

August Challenge

Do you ever really think about the food you put into your mouth? During the month of August, I challenge all of you to keep a record of everything that goes into your mouth for the next 31 days. At the end of each week take a moment and a RED pen and review everything you have written down. Circle anything that you need to eliminate from your diet (pop, diet pop, beer, wine, cigarettes, candy, fried foods, butter, processed foods, etc.) and try not to consume that the remainder of the month. You might be surprised by how much sugar you consume, or how many cigarettes you smoke on a daily basis. 

Try to replace white rice with brown rice, white potatoes with sweet potatoes, whole milk with skim milk. Ask yourself these questions: Are you eating enough whole grains? Are you eating enough vegetables? Are you eating small meals every three hours? What do your portion sizes look like? Do you skip breakfast and have a huge dinner? How big are your dinner plates? How many times do you chew your food before you swallow it? Do you chew? OK, that last one was suppose to be funny, but on a serious note...slow down! Enjoy your food and get in the habit of setting your fork down between bites. 

Try to identify patterns or feelings that might steer you into eating certain foods, or activities that may lead you to drink or smoking at certain times of the days. 

Here are some links you might find useful to get started: 

Don't get caught up in the latest "diet". It is important to eat 5-6 small meals everyday spaced out about every 3 hours. Everyone has different dietary needs and if you have concerns, you should consult with someone who has a degree in Nutrition ( who can help you with the correct portion sizes based on your goals and activity levels. 

A simple thing to keep in mind is if it comes in a box don't eat it. If it has an expiration date, you don't need it. 

The next part of the challenge is to work on your cardio during the month increasing the frequency and intensity each week. The fourth week, you will choose an alternate form of cardio to do once a day for twenty minutes, something that challenges you or that you do not do very often or did not do the first three weeks of the month. For me, it might be jumping rope for a full 20 minutes or running, because I usually ride the bike for the majority of my cardio work. 

Good Luck!

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