Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May Fitness Challenge - Inspire Someone to Get Moving!

Do you enjoy working out alone? I don’t! I enjoy having other people around while I workout and someone to workout with can be very motivating. So, this month I challenge you to inspire someone to workout with you for the month or someone new each day or each week. Take a friend, a neighbor or a co-worker on a walk with you, go out and play kick ball with your children, invite someone to join you for a yoga class, walk your 18 holes of golf instead of taking a cart, or invite a friend to join you on a 5k walk/run. All you have to do is ask!

I’ve spent years motivating others to get up and move, to change their lives and get fit and healthy. It’s not as hard as it seems. If you have been following along with my monthly challenges over the past several years, you can invite someone to do them with you. There is a sample workout included on the May Fitness Challenge if you need something structured, otherwise you can try any of the activities mentioned above, or find a workout from a past challenge you enjoyed. If you follow me on Facebook (if not, you should at Get Fit with Ris) I will post different workout suggestions throughout the month of May for you to follow too.

I’ve already had one person tell me that they invited a friend to join them at their gym for a workout and they even signed up for a month of training with their trainer. See! It’s that easy. You never know whose life you might change. Sometimes it just takes a little nudge, a little suggestion to get someone interested in a healthy lifestyle.

When I reflect back on the people whose lives I touched over the years and inspired to get up off the couch and start being more active I am so thankful for having that opportunity.  At 70 years old this August my mom and dad move around as if they are 40. They attend yoga and strength-training classes every day, they get out and walk on the beach when they are vacationing; they golf and have no problem keeping up with their grandchildren. I’ve inspired my own daughters who have been active over the years with dance, track, yoga and strength-training. I can’t tell you how excited I get when my daughters “snap chat” me their photos rowing, or doing a headstand, or running their first marathon. I know I’ve instilled in them a lifelong habit.

So are you up to the challenge to go out and inspire someone this month?

In Health & Fitness,


Get Fit! Be Fit! Stay Fit!

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