Wednesday, August 19, 2015

August Fitness Challenge

Well, I am a little late getting the August Fitness Challenge out on my blog and I apologize for that! This month, the challenge is to do the following:

Beginners do either 100 kettle bell swings or squats during the day

Intermediate do either 200 kettle bell swings or squats during the day 

Advanced do either 300 kettle bell swings or squats during the day

You can mix & match the swings & squats. For example, do 1 arm swings & squats one day, and 2 arm swings and goblet squats the next day.  
Mix it up to add variety so you do not get bored doing the same thing every day. 

Here are some examples:

Beginners: 100 Reps

25 Squats
25 KB Swings to eye level (Russian Swings)
25 Squats holding your kettle bell (Goblet Squats)
25 KB Swings over head (American Swings)

Intermediate: 200 Reps

4 rounds

25 KB Swings to eye level (Russian Swings)
25 KB Swings overhead (American)

Advanced: 300 Reps

5 Rounds

10 1 arm Kettle Bell Swings Right
10  1 arm Kettle Bell Swings Left
15 Goblet Squats
25 American Kettle Bell Swings

One of my favorites is to incorporate a jump rope in between my squats or swings. If you are a beginner it will take you 10 minutes, intermediate 20 minutes and advanced 30 minutes.
 Do 40 seconds of jumprope and 20 seconds of squats or swings. 
If you can get in 10 squats & swings during the 20 seconds you'll have your 100, 200 or 300. 
If you don't get all 10, just make up the missed ones at the end of the workout. 

Good Luck!

In Health & Fitness,

Get Fit! Be Fit! Stay Fit!

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