Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February is all about the Heart!

Considering the timing of this post, you probably think I am referring to Valentine’s Day on February 14th, but I am not. February is National Heart Health Month.  We must raise awareness among our loved ones, friends and community about this deadly, silent disease.

Heart Disease is not just a man’s disease. Heart Disease has claimed the lives of more than 500,000 American women. The American Heart Association raises awareness for women’s heart disease with their symbolic red dress.  1 and 3 women die from heart disease or stroke. By adopting a healthy lifestyle and engaging in regular physical activity 80% of cardiac deaths can be prevented. Education is key!

According to the CDC, 67 million Americans have high blood pressure which is a leading cause to heart disease and strokes. Heart disease is a silent killer, which is why it is necessary to have your blood pressure checked. Your doctor can do this for you, or you can check with your local drug store, or check it yourself with a home blood pressure monitor. 

Know your blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, it is important that you take your medication as prescribed by your doctor, reduce your sodium intake, quit smoking (if you do currently) and engage in regular physical activity.

Being informed, and making some simple lifestyle changes can go a long way in preventing this deadly disease. High Blood Pressure Fact Sheet 

Help spread the word this month & every month by following these few simple steps and reminding your loved ones to do the same as well…

See your doctor
Know your blood pressure and what it should be
Take the appropriate steps to manage it before it gets out of control
Exercise regularly
Eat Healthy
Quit Smoking 

In Health & Fitness,


Get Fit! Be Fit! Stay Fit!

Photo credit: funmozar.com
Sources: CDC, American Heart Association 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're bringing light to and highlighting February as health awareness! It's only a shame that "being healthy" only gets a month of the year, really should be all the time!
