Friday, February 27, 2015

Reebok CrossFit 15.1

15.1 Open Workout Photo Credit: CrossFit 
Yesterday was the big announcement of the 15.1 ReebokCrossFit Open. This morning I headed over to my box, CrossFit Macomb, to hit the workout (but not before I had to chase my Bernese Mountain Dog through knee deep snow through the woods; I guess that was my pre warm up).

I arrived at the box a little anxious, but excited at the same time. There was a great turn out this morning, and everyone had an awesome attitude. We divided up into two heats. I was in the second. After cheering and motivating the athlete I was responsible for counting reps for, it was my turn. We began with a 6 minute warm up including 2 minutes on either the airdyne or the rower (I chose the airdyne), a minute of back extensions, a minute of push up to pike and a minute of 3 pass thru's and overhead squats with the pvc pipe, and then spent 6 minutes warming up with a Clean & Jerk.

The 15.1 WOD was a 9 minute AMRAP (as many rounds/reps as possible) coupled with a second 6 minute workout to find a max rep Clean & Jerk.

3…2…1…GO! I started with 15 solid toes to bars, picked up the bar for 10 deadlifts at 75#, which was extremely light considering the heavy deadlifts I’ve been doing the last few weeks. Then it was on to 5 snatches at the same weight. Snatches are not one of my favorites, but I did them. The toes to bar is where I spent the most of my time but I was certain to make each one count. When it was all said and done, I finished with 117 reps. I was 3 snatches shy of completing another round. 

So, that was 15.1 now it was immediately onto 15.1A, which was 6 minutes to find my 1 rep max of the Clean & Jerk. I started with 95#, then moved up to 105#, 115#, 120# and finished with a new personal record of 125#.

All in all, I was not disappointed with my performance. I usually like to do the WOD’s twice, but I do not think I will have a chance for a second attempt before scores are required to be posted. So, for now, I have to be happy with what I accomplished today. 

Looking back, had I set my bar up closer to the cage, I may have been able to finish that last round and perhaps start another gaining me a few more reps overall. That was a rookie mistake, I should have known better since this was my third year participating in the open.  

In the meantime, I will continue with my workouts and look forward to 15.2 next week and cheering on all the amazing athletes at my box that are participating, some of them for the first time! 

In Health & Fitness,


Get Fit! Be Fit! Stay Fit!

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