Sunday, February 8, 2015

My favorite 30 Minute Workout (or Less!)

One of my favorite workouts is with a jumprope and a kettle bell. I alternate 30 rounds of 40 seconds of jump roping with 20 seconds of kettle bell swings. If you don't have a kettle bell you can use a dumbbell, or skip the kettle bell swings all together and do my next favorite movement, burpees! (I promise to start uploading my own videos for movements.) 

You can also modify this workout to do each movement for 1 minute each. You can further modify this workout if you are pressed for time and do it for 20 minutes, 15 minutes or 10 minutes; alternating each movement for a 40/20 or 1 minute interval. 
A jumprope is inexpensive and only your body weight is required to do the burpees. Both movements allow you to increase your heart rate and build strength in your upper body and core. I use my gym boss timer which allows me to preset my times and beeps loud enough to alert me when to switch movements. 

One of the other reasons this happens to be a favorite workout of mine, is a few months back I did a "30 day 300 Kettle bell Daily Challenge" where I did 300 kettle bell swings for 30 days. So, during the 20 second interval, I was able to get in 10 swings which ultimately added up to 300 swings during the 30 minute workout and the jump roping was a bonus and a great way to add variety to the swings.

So, grab your jumprope (and kettle bell) and turn up the tunes. 3-2-1 Go!

Get Fit! Be Fit! Stay Fit!

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