Saturday, March 14, 2015

My current standings in the Cross Fit Open after 15.2 are:
57/472 for the Central East Division and 685/6,157 World Wide 

Here is the 15.3 Workout from Friday:

Photo Credit: CrossFit
Ugh! Muscle Ups are something I have not yet perfected or performed. I know that I am certainly strong enough to do them, and if I worked on them more often I know I can get them. I was conflicted going into this workout on Friday morning wondering if I should spend my 14 minutes trying to get a muscle up (or two), or doing it scaled and skipping the muscle ups and just do the Wallballs and Jump Ropes. The scaled version was 50 wallballs at 10# (instead of 14#) and 200 single jumpropes (instead of 100 Double Unders, which I can do).

Well, I chose to do 15.3 scaled on Friday and ended up with 1,007 reps. I was honestly surprised. One of the trainers said to the group as we were warming up to shoot for 700 reps. The timer was counting down, 3…2…1 GO! I started right in with the first round of 50 wallballs and 200 single jumpropes. I never once looked at the clock. I took only a few short breaks during the wallballs to shake out my arms. I did the jumpropes unbroken. There was about 20 seconds left when I finished my last round of jumpropes and I picked up the wallball and was able to complete 7 of the 50 before time was called. I had no idea how many rounds I did. I just tried to stay moving the entire time. I was pleasantly surprised when Meggan told me how many reps I had completed.

Now, do I give it another go on Monday and try and get a muscle up or two during the 14 minutes? Even though I had some pretty decent reps with the scaled version, I am told that even 1 muscle up will earn me more points on the leader board than my scaled score. If I am able to catch up with the other coaches on the box, I think I may attempt to do it. After all, I have nothing to lose by trying and I may even surprise myself.

Stay tuned next week to see where I land on the leader board after this weeks workout. 

In Health & Fitness,


Get Fit! Be Fit! Stay Fit!

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