Friday, March 6, 2015

Week 2 of the Reebok CrossFit 2015 Open

My current standing so far for the CrossFit Open for the Central East Region is 55th place out of 472 for the Masters Women 45-49 age group, and 709 out of 6,143 women worldwide.

Photo Credit: CrossFit
Today was the 2nd workout for the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Open. It was a repeat from  14.2. Last year I did this workout twice. I did 32 reps the first time and 36 reps the second time. This morning, I did 1 rep better than last year for a total of 37 reps. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it out of the first round and I am considering giving it a second go on Monday morning. The chest-to-bars were tough especially after all the other workouts I’ve been doing this week that have included burpees (lots and lots of burpees) and pushups. I did the majority of them strict and added a few kipping chest-to-bars in there. Megghan, one of the coaches suggested that I work on my kipping over the weekend and then try again on Monday for a better score. I have been working on my kipping during some of the workouts, sometimes I have the rhythm, and sometimes I don’t. My kip is like a sprint, rather than a marathon, once it’s gone, it’s gone. I was afraid to kip all of them today because I thought I might waste too much time on the rhythm rather than just doing chest-to-bars. The overhead squats felt really good, I had no difficulty getting through those.

In addition to my regular workouts, I’ve been doing my monthly fitness challenge and another challenge that I was invited to by my sister that includes a lot of planks. The second challenge I am doing because my younger sister is doing it and I want to help support her in her quest to be fit and healthy! Plus, it’s always more fun when you have someone to help keep you accountable. With my monthly challenge, my friend and I are posting our times and scores on Facebook every time we do the workout. Another friend from the gym is doing it along with us.

Yesterday, my Concept2 Rower from Rogue arrived and I am very anxious to start incorporating this into my workouts. I was able to row a mere 1000m in between my finals and clients I had to train yesterday. I hope to work my way up to rowing 10,000m every Sunday with one of the other coaches that I work with and some of the other members from our Box.

Check back next week to see what 15.3 has in store and my standings after this week’s workout.

In Health & Fitness,


Get Fit! Be Fit! Stay Fit!

1 comment:

  1. Today was the 2nd workout for the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Open. It was a repeat from 14.2. Last year I did this workout twice. I did 32 reps the ...
