Saturday, March 28, 2015

April Fitness Challenge

Let's keep going on those fitness goals! Here is the April Fitness Challenge and we are changing things up just a little bit from the March Challenge. 

An EMOM is Every Minute on the Minute and this is how you perform it. Beginning on the first minute you will do 8 burpees (or what ever is indicated on the day). Then you will rest the remainder of that minute. On the next minute you do 8 more burpees and then rest. You will continue this until the specified time for example: 4 minutes, 5 minutes, etc., up to 9 minutes during weeks 2, 3, and 4. You will also notice that each week the movements change or more are included. The faster you work, the more time you have to recover before repeating them again. 

On Sunday's you can choose to do 20 minutes of cardio. With the warmer temperatures approaching you might like to take your workout outdoors for a 5K, or a brisk walk, it's up to you! Do your favorite cardio for 20 minutes, what I have listed is only an example of the variety of choices you might like to partake in. 

During the third week you also have the option to substitute kettlebells swings instead of doing the burpees and push ups that week. Or, if you have a rower you can row for calories every minute and rest until the next. 

If you have any questions just leave me a comment. Share this with a friend that you might like to do this with to keep yourself accountable. The more the merrier and working out with friends is always more fun. If you don't know anyone, check out my Facebook page Get Fit with Ris, you can always check in there as you complete the daily workouts and I'll be sure to keep you motivated and inspire you to continue. 

Remember, have fun and make sure you challenge yourself each and every day to be better than yesterday. Summer is almost here!

In Health & Fitness,


Get Fit! Be Fit! Stay Fit!

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