Saturday, March 21, 2015

Workout 15.4 CrossFit Game 2015 OPEN

Only one week left in the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Open! My current standings after last week are:

38/472 for the Central East Region and 434/6,158 worldwide. I've moved up quite a bit from last week and I am very excited about that! If only I could have gotten 1 muscle up in 15.3.

I did give 15.3 a second attempt last Sunday to get my first muscle up. I spent the 14 minutes working on it with no success. When it was over, my husband pushed me forward which got me thru the rings and I pushed myself up. Of course, this does not count, I just need to work on “head butting” my way through the rings so I can get up on my own. I will continue to work on them and know that they are not too far away from becoming a reality.

Photo Credit: CrossFit

In the meantime, this past Friday was 15.4 an 8 minute AMRAP of ascending Hand stand push ups (HSPU) and Cleans. I felt pretty good about getting at least 1 or 2 HSPU, so I was excited that I did the first three so easily. Then I had to do the cleans and knew that it wouldn’t be a problem since in 15.2 I did a 125 Clean & Jerk, so I knew I could clean it up. Then I headed back over to the wall for 6 HSPU, and I only got 1. I then spent the last 5 minutes trying to get another one, but again I was not successful. I just couldn’t push myself up. I tried kipping and by the end of the 5 minutes I almost had it and by that I mean I could push my head up off the mat about an inch, but that was about it. So, I completed 5.4 with 7 reps.

What I like about the Open this year is that it showed me where my weaknesses are and what I have to work on. So, over the next couple of months I will spend more time working on my muscle up and learning the kipping for the HSPU. I know I have it in me!

Stay tuned next week to see where I fall in the rankings after the 15.4 submission and what challenges 15.5 will bring.

In Health & Fitness,


Get Fit! Stay Fit! Be Fit!

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